
Library Membership
Guest Membership

Working Hours 

Mustafa İnan Library

Academic Year


Summer Recess

24/7 All year


24/7 All year


Branch Libraries

Martime Faculty Library

Academic Year


Summer Recess

Monday to Friday

08:00 - 16:45


Monday to Friday

08:00 - 16:45

Library is closed on the weekends.


Library is closed on the weekends.


Faculty of Management Library

Since the Faculty of Management Library has been moved to Mustafa İnan Library, it is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ratip Berker Library

Academic Year


Summer Recess

08:00 - 21:30
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 21:30   Tuesday
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 21:30
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 21:30
08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 21:30
  Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday  12:00 - 18:30
Sunday 12:00 - 18:30
  Sunday Close

• Exit preparations are made 15 minutes before closing and the halls are vacated 15 minutes before.

Faculty of Architecture Professor Doğan Kuban Library

Academic Year


Summer Recess

08:45 - 16:45
09:15 - 17:15
08:00 - 16:45
08:30 - 17:15
08:45 - 16:45
09:15 - 17:15
08:00 - 16:45
08:30 - 17:15
Friday 08:45 - 16:45
  Friday 09:15 - 17:15
Saturday  Close   Saturday
Sunday Close
  Sunday Close
Centre for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM) Library

Academic Year


Summer Recess

09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 18:00  

09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 17:00

Friday 09:00 - 18:00

Library is closed on the weekends.


Library is closed on the weekends.


School of Foreign Languages Library

Academic Year


Summer Recess

Monday to Friday

08:30 - 17:15


Monday to Friday

08:30 - 17:15

Library is closed on the weekends.


Library is closed on the weekends.


Turkish Music State Conservatory Ercümend Berker & Prof. Ş. Şehvar Beşiroğlu Library

Academic Year


Summer Recess

Monday to Friday

08:30 - 17:15


Monday to Friday

08:30 - 17:15

Library is closed on the weekends.


Library is closed on the weekends.



General Rules

ITU students, academic and administrative staff and retired ITU personnel can benefit from ITU Libraries without being a member to the Library. However, they cannot benefit from the below services without being a member to the library:

  1. Borrowing services
  2. Inter library loan
  3. Off campus access to the Library
  4. Request a purchase (ITU retired personnel can only benefit from borrowing services).

Graduates of ITU, staff of ITU Development Foundation Schools, graduate students and academic staff of other universities and reserachers can benefit from ITU Libraries only within the Library under the specified conditions decided by University Administrative Board. However, these users cannot benefit from borrowing services.

  1. ITU graduates may benefit from the Library by their graduate IDs.
  2. Graduate students and academic staff of other universities may benefit from the Library by electronic ID cards issued for them.
  3.  Researchers working in public organizations or private sector can benefit from ITU Libraries as guest members under the specified conditions issued by University Administrative Board (See Form VIII burada link yok).

It is required to present ID cards in the entrance to the Library and during the borrowing transactions, as well.

Legal action will be undertaken against the ones who damage library materials and environment.

The users cannot have food and drinks within the Library. Besides, smoking is not allowed in the Library.

It is the responsibility of the users to keep an eye on their personal belongings in the library.  ITU Libraries cannot be held responsible for any lost items, which belong to users.

The users should have their mobile phones on silent mode in the library.

Items in the main and branch libraries are under electronic surveillance. Library materials cannot be taken out unless they are checked out.

Legal action will be undertaken against the ones who take out library materials without permission.

Without permission, it is prohibited to take photographs or shoot a film in the library.

Group study in the library is only permitted in the designated areas. In other places, group study and talking is not allowed.

Users in the branch libraries must complete borrowing transactions at least 15 minutes earlier before the library closes. 


Membership Procedures

  1. ITU academic and administrative staff should fill in ”Membership Information Form” and hand it to any of ITU Libraries. ITU ID is required.
  2. Contract-based/guest lecturers and contract-based administrative personnel should fill in this form and hand it to any of ITU Libraries. It is required to provide a letter indicating the job and its duration of the conract-based staff at ITU.
  3. ITU students should fill in this form and hand it to any of ITU Libraries. ITU ID is required.
  4. ITU retired personnel should fill in this form and hand it to any of ITU Libraries. ITU Retiree ID is required.
  5. Other university libraries can fill in Inter Library Membership Form and be a member of ITU Library.
  6. A PIN code is supplied to the users in order to provide remote access to the Library. For detailed information, see: http://www.kutuphane.itu.edu.tr/en/services/pin-services

Duration of the Membership

  1. ITU academic and administrative staff, guest lecturers or contract-based administrative personnel are eligible to benefit from ITU Libraries as long as they work at ITU. However, membersip is terminated upon expiry of contract.
  2. ITU students, guest students and Erasmus students are eligible to benefit from ITU Libraries as long as they are student at ITU.
  3. ITU retired personnel can be a member of the Library for 1 year after the date of their application for the retirement. Upon the completion of this 1 year period, the retirees can ask for the extension of their membership to the Directorate of Library and Documentation Affairs. The membership of the retirees who did not request extension will be canceled.

Ending or Suspending the Membership

  1. Ending the Membership
    1. ITU staff must obtain a letter indicating that they have no further connection with the Library, from the Directorate of Library upon their retirement, resignation, transfer, appointment or military service.
    2. Students must obtain a letter indicating that they have no further connection with the Library, from the Directorate of Library upon their graduation or dismissal for any reason.
  2. Suspension of the Membership
    1. Users must comply with the library rules. Anyone failing to do so may be temporarily excluded from the Library and/or incur a fine. In this framework, the ones who do not comply with the Library rules, the ones who behave inappropriately in the Library, and the users who engage in conduct that disrupts or interferes with the normal operations of the Library, its staff, or its use by other visitors, will be banned from the library services for 1 month.
    2. Incase the user intentionally damages the Library material, a written notice is sent to the department of the academic and administrative staff. The users, who have been charged disciplinary penalty for their inappropriate action, are restricted from borrowing services for 2 months.
    3. You may not allow your Library ID card to be used by any other person. Library cards must not be marked, defaced, altered, or deliberately damaged in any way. Anyone failing to do so may be banned from the library services for 1 month.